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ProgramsStudent Athlete Transition |
Student Athlete Transition Program (SATP)Overview Each year thousands of high school student-athletes make the transition to higher education. For most, their high school experience will have prepared them well for college academic work and the rigors of major college athletics. However, there is very little to help prepare them for the complex social environment and unique demands placed on student-athletes at the Bowl Championship Division level. What is SATP SATP is a comprehensive educational training program designed to help high school student athletes make a successful and positive transition to the academic, athletic and social demands of higher education. Through a series of innovative workshops student-athletes will gain the skills necessary to navigate the myriad social and personal adjustments. Issues include but not limited to:
For student-athletes who compete at the highest level, their daily lives are about performance. In the classroom and on the field, they are challenged in many ways from the moment they enroll. Similarly, they experience challenges with social and personal adjustments. Orientation programs designed for the general student population address many broad issues; however for student athletes the risks are more acute and urgent. Additionally, orientation programs often tell students where to turn for help once a problem arises. Student-athletes don’t have that same luxury. Minor infractions and indiscretions by student-athletes can potentially become high profile incidents garnering media attention and public admonishment. Such incidents impact the reputation of an institution and athletic program and, the personal lives of students. Furthermore, general orientation programs have trended towards multiple day events and extend into early summer prior to enrollment. The understanding is, the better acclimated students are, they better retention and performance will be. SATP was created to meet the more intense demands on Bowl Championship Division student athletes. Benefit to Student Athlete Student-athletes will have the benefit to consider complex social issues and decisions without the pressure of two-a-day practices, competition or academic stress. The purpose of the program is non-punitive and it’s not a “scared straight” approach. The program will be interactive, honest and comprehensive. Benefit to Institution
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